Love the highest and most obliged and most useful is the absolute love of Allah Ta'ala alone, accompanied by the formation of mental attitude menuhankan only Allah Ta'ala alone. Because the name of God is something that the human heart inclines him with a sense of love by glorifying and raised, in total submission and surrender to Him and menghamba. Allah Ta'ala shall be loved for himself DzatNya, while a loved one but Allah Ta'ala just as a consequence of the love of Allah Ta'ala.
Of the two hadith we can know that we should give our love and loyalty to God alone. We must love God for something that is loved, hated of all that is hated by God, diridlai Ridla to what God does not diridlai Ridla to God, commanded to what God has commanded, to prevent all that prevented God, give to those who love God to give and not give to someone who does not love God if he was given
In a sense according to the Shari'a, is the al-hubbu fillah (love for God) is devoted affection and love to those who believe and obey Allah ta'ala for faith and obedience that they do. While the definition of al-bughdu fillah (hate for Allah) is devoted dislike and hatred to those who mempersekutukanNya and to those who out of obedience to Him because they have committed acts that elicit anger and hatred of God, even though they are those close relationship with us, So, friends, tabi'in, tabi'ut tabi'in and their followers throughout the world are the ones who have more right to our loved ones (although we do not have anything to do with them), than on those close to us as our neighbors, our parents, our own children, our brothers, our sisters or others, if they were hating, hostile to and oppose Allah and His Messenger and do obedience to Allah and His Messenger then we no right to love more than the people who walk on al-Haq and the person who is always obedient to Allah and His Apostle. Likewise, love and hatred are not disyari'atkan is not guided by the Qur'aan and Sunnah Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam. And this has various kinds of which are: love and hatred are dimotifasi by wealth, degree and position, ethnicity, beauty, poverty, family and others, regardless of religious norms that are laid down by Allah Ta ' a la
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Praise be to Allaah a believer must shed her love and affection despite mendhalimi and distract you, and shall be poured out to him an infidel hatred and hostility while always giving and doing good to you."
In accordance with what is said by Syakhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, let us take refuge in the Essence of tossing and turning hearts, so that our hearts are welded with love and hatred that is prescribed by Allah and His Messenger. Because sometimes the people who oppose God around us better than our attitude toward those who believe in God, that we forget and more loving pagans from those who believe.
In view of wal Ahlusunnah levels of love and hatred of pilgrims who have devoted divided into three groups:
A. The people who poured out her love and affection in their entirety. They are people who believe in Allah and His Messenger, to implement the teachings of Islam and milestone-tonggaknya with knowledge and firm faith. They are the ones who mengikhlaskan deeds and words for God alone. They are the ones who are subject to more obedient to the commandments of Allah and His Messenger and refraining from any yng forbidden by Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones who pour love, kewala'an, hatred and hostility because of the Almighty, and put the words of the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam any person on the other.
B. The people who loved and hated from one side of the other side.
These are people who confuse the good deeds with bad deeds, then they are loved and pitied by the good levels that exist in themselves, and hated and despised in accordance with the level of ugliness that is in them. In this case we should be able to sort out, like the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam muamalah to a friend who named Abdullah bin Himar. At that time bin Himar Abdulllah The wine drinking in a state then brought him presented to the Prophet sallAllaahu alaihi wasalam,
These are people who confuse the good deeds with bad deeds, then they are loved and pitied by the good levels that exist in themselves, and hated and despised in accordance with the level of ugliness that is in them. In this case we should be able to sort out, like the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam muamalah to a friend who named Abdullah bin Himar. At that time bin Himar Abdulllah The wine drinking in a state then brought him presented to the Prophet sallAllaahu alaihi wasalam,
People poured out of hatred and hostility to him in utuh.Mereka are people who do not believe in the pillars of faith and those who deny the pillars of Islam either in part or whole with a sense of steady, those who deny asma 'wa ta'ala attributes of God, or the person who merged with ahlu bida 'is misguided and misleading, or people who do things that invalidate Islam. Against the person is required for us to hate a whole, because they are the enemies of Allah and His Messenger sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam.
There are several factors that can be established that the love in Allah, among others:
1. Notify loved ones that we love because God
2. Give each other gifts
3. Each visit
4. Distribute greeting each other.
5. Abandon sins.
6. Leave act backbiting (talk something about his brother at the time did not exist, and if his brother was listening to him get angry or do not like)
Obligations to love each other the way of Allah is not a command that does not bring any results. But God commands something is definitely there and the result is fruit. Fruit and result of God's love in the way of them are.
- Getting the love of God.
- Get the glory of God.
- Getting the auspices of the Throne of God on Judgment Day, when there is no shade except the shade of Allah.
- Taste the sweetness of faith.
- Reach the perfection of faith.
- Go to heaven
May Allah make us as those who surrender ourselves to God. May the love and hatred we are always in accordance with what has been prescribed by Allah and His Messenger n. What more can we expect but to get the love of God, get the glory of God, get shade 'Throne of God on the day there is no shade except the shade, grab the sweetness of Iman, a perfection of faith and enter into paradise high. May God always bless and have mercy on us. Amin.
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